Monday, 25 May 2015

SSL Wildcard Certificate Installation in Nginx

1. Copy the obtained PFX certificate to a location in the server (eg: /home/xyz).

2.  Convert the PFX certificate to PEM
                openssl   pkcs12  -in  demo.pfx  -out  demo.pem
                Enter the password. Once it is entered, you will be asked for a new password which is used 
                to   encrypt the private key.
                Once the above step is completed, a PEM file is obtained.

3. Open the PEM file in a text editor

4. Copy the key part in the PEM file along with the dashed line part to a separate file (eg demo.key).

5. Now the private key has to be decrypted using the password used in the PFX file.
                openssl   rsa   -in  demo.key  -out  demo.key

6. Copy the files demo.pem and demo.key to /etc/ssl

7. Edit your Nginx virtual host file.
                server {

                                listen   443;

                                ssl    on;
                                ssl_certificate    /etc/ssl/demo.pem;

                                ssl_certificate_key    /etc/ssl/demo.key;

                                access_log /var/log/nginx/nginx.vhost.access.log;
                                error_log /var/log/nginx/nginx.vhost.error.log;
                                location / {
                                                root   /home/www/public_html/;
                                                index  index.html;

8. Restart Nginx Process

                sudo  /etc/init.d/nginx  restart

Audio Redirection through RDP

Log in to the Server or Machine through RDP,

1. Go to services.msc

2. Start 'Windows Audio' service . Change it to Automatic.

3. Open gpedit.msc

4. Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote 
Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Device and Resource Redirection
                Enable 'Allow Audio and Video Playback Redirection'.
                If setting above policy not found,
                Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components >       
                Terminal Services > Device and Resource Redirection
                Enable 'Allow Audio Redirection'.

5. Open up 'tsconfig.msc'

6. Select 'RDP-Tcp' Connection, right Click, Select Properties.

7. Select Client Settings Tab

8. Uncheck 'Audio'

9. Restart Machine