Boot up with FreeBSD Live CD. Start bsdinstall.
When installation reaches partitioning, select ‘shell’.
# gpart create –s
gpt ada0
1 .Create Boot
# gpart add –t freebsd-boot –s 64k ada0
# gpart bootcode
–b /boot/pmbr –p
/boot/gptboot –i 1 ada0
2 .Create and
format Boot partition
# gpart add –t freebsd-ufs –s 256m ada0
# newfs /dev/ada0p2
3. Create and
initialize encrypted partition
# gpart add –t freebsd-ufs ada0
# geli init –bl 256 /dev/ada0p3 (Pass phrase will be prompted.)
# geli
attach /dev/ada0p3 (Pass phrase will be prompted. Device
/dev/ada0p3.eli will be created.)
# newfs /dev/ada0p3.eli
4. Mount file
systems to /mnt
# mount /dev/ada0p3.eli /mnt
# mkdir /mnt/boot2
# mount /dev/ada0p2 /mnt/boot2
5. Continue
# exit
Once the installation ends, enter into a ‘shell’ to make
final changes.
Final Changes
1. Move /boot to
# mv /mnt/boot
2. Edit loader.conf
# vi /boot2/boot/loader.conf
Add the following lines.
3. Edit fstab
Add the following lines
/dev/ada0p2 /boot2 ufs rw,noatime 1 1
/dev/ada0p3.eli / ufs rw,noatime 1 1